How to increase your sperm count?. It is not something new that by having a larger number of sperm could give you a better chance of conceiving. Rather than blaming the women on infertility, a men should also take part in making sure they are also fertile and having the best quantity of sperms. Now, how do we increase the amount of sperm count in a man's body? The secrets of making millions ;-) are as follow:
Proper Diet and Regular Exercise
I bet you have heard of this countless time before but let me reiterate it again, eating diet is definitely known to affect sperm production. Try to eat foods with good amount of zinc, Calcium, vitamin D, Antioxidants, and various types of grains are good for health. Although exercise can not directly increase the production of sperm and semen, but regular exercise can help you to be healthier and fitter. Weight gain can reduce your testosterone level and causes imbalance of hormone in your body. So reduce your weight by exercising regularly.
Avoid Wearing Pants and Underwear Too Tight
This is the reason why the testicle is located depends on the body. Testicle require cooler temperatures than other body parts. Therefore, wearing underwear or pants that are too tight will cause the temperature around it to heat and affect sperm production and sperm count. Try wearing boxers instead of the spandex type of underwear.
Reduce Intercourse and Masturbation
Men often complain that semen or sperm that came out were few and thin and how to increase sperm count. Keep in mind, the more ejaculation, the sperm will decrease the viscosity. If you have intercourse every day or frequent masturbation it will not help to increase your sperm count, it will affect the number of sperm and semen viscosity because it will take about 48-72 hours to reproduce the sperms.
Stop Smoking and Consuming Alcohol
Besides causing cancer and other dangerous consequences, smoking habits that can affect your sperm count. A recent study did show that those having a healthier life and do not smoke tend to have better sperm count. Alcohol is also known to affect liver function which eventually can lead to increased of estrogen levels. High levels of estrogen in the body will affect sperm production. So stop smoking and drinking alcohol today!
Relax! Reduce your stress
Psychological factors like stress, uncertainty, tensions may reduce sperm counts. Stopping these factors by adopting yoga and meditation in your daily routine. Yoga and meditation the best stress busters. Subtracting these psychological factors help to increase the number of sperm. Also, you can also opt for a regular massage with herbal oil. This can reduces stress and at the same time herbal oil massage can increase libido, blood circulation and improve health.
Natural Based Health Remedy
Rather than taking those modern medicine, why not try to resort to natural remedy like 'Herbs h.orny Goat Weed' or Epimedium, Tribulus and Tongkat Ali extract standard (NU-PREP75). It is all to help increase testosterone and DHEA levels and also directly able to help strengthen the bladder and sperm factory. Below are some other recommended herbal based supplement that is also good to help increase sperm count. Read some of the feedback from the genuine buyer and user of this product! and Good Luck!

"Before purchasing Fertility Blend for men my husband's sperm count was 13 million with only 12% motility.... in a month of taking 2 pills, twice a day his count has gone up to 57 million with 87% motility! Excellent News! We are beyond hopeful that this will do the trick!" - Elizabeth Shakan
"My husband and I were given < 1% chance of conceiving naturally after he was diagnosed with cancer in his early 20s. We were told that IVF with ICSI was our only option. After hearing this, we took a break from our RE to discuss the options in private. I purchased this product for my husband to take in the mean time. 6 months later, we returned to the RE for another analysis. His SA showed an improved count from ~2 million to ~15 million! We conceived naturally shortly there after! When we try for #2, we will definitely be back for more." - Mommy to be
"It's my obligation to say Thank You to this product and give them a positive review! I have near normal sperm count but the doctor says he is worried about my sperm morphology(I forgot the nos.). I tried this product, around September, before we start IUI/IVF. Our start of IUI was this month(Jan. 2011), we already have the medicines we need for the IUI. But guess what, we don't need the IUI anymore. MY WIFE IS PREGNANT, 6 weeks! :)"
Fertility Blend for Men: 3 Month Supply |
Fertility Blend for Men |
There you have it! some of the best way of increasing your sperm count. I hope that will help those who are having problem conceiving. I have another excellent reading material which helps women and men conceive at the peak of their health and naturally deal with infertility Click Here!
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