javascript:void(0) Zaher Imran - 1-1/2 years later ~ My Journey As a New Dad

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Zaher Imran - 1-1/2 years later

I almost completely forgotten about this blog..I haven't been active blogging for quite some times and I felt like getting active again..So for a start, here's a picture of my son, now almost 1-1/2 years old :-)

Zaher Imran: Enjoying his Vitagen while I drove him around trying to get him to sleep so that I can also sleep LOL

This is a picture of me trying to get him to sleep haha..It's the only trick I know that works. I can't and nobody can make him sleep (afternoon nap especially) at home. So what I or normally his grandfather did was strap him to the passenger seat and take him for a stroll a few minutes with the A/C pointed directly at him. Normally if he hasn't been sleeping since he wakes up in the morning this will work flawlessly and within a few minutes he'll fall asleep LOL. For father's out there, you guys can give it a try and let me know the results or even better if you have any other methods that works for you..share it in the comments section below :-)

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